Stay Grounded with a Week of Miracles

“Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth.”

― Herman Hesse

In spiritual and yoga communities, there is great emphasis on being open, receptive, empathetic, and compassionate. This can feel like warm sunshine. Until it doesn't. Heart-opening without inner strength or personal clarity can lead to spiritual bypassing, toxic positivity or martyr tendencies.

Because an open heart is like the branches on a tree. It needs a solid trunk and strong roots. The solid trunk is your personal power, your connection to your core, including your core values and needs. The strong roots are your ability to stay grounded and present, your capacity to nourish yourself, and your skill at generating inner support.

Without a powerful trunk and deep reaching roots, an open heart is easily destabilized and prone to self-sacrifice. This is a recipe for resentment, starts the snowball of overwhelm and can lead to burnout or meltdown. Being ungrounded and disconnected is simply unsustainable.

Your practice is an opportunity to cultivate strong roots and a solid center for the budding branches of your heart. We've been doing just that in the Vayu classes. Apana Vayu is your grounding current running through pelvis, legs, and feet. Samana Vayu develops your power center at the respiratory diaphragm.

You've got practices for both in your Virtual Library. Use them! Because the holidays are on the horizon. This is a time when routines are uprooted and we tend to loose our center.

But what if this year could be different?

Let’s make it different. Together. Mark your calendars for a Week of Miracles. From Monday 12/12 through Friday 12/16, there will be a "20-minute miracle" each day from 8-8:20am PST.

You'll join via Zoom for a led practice of movement, meditation or breathwork. No camera (come in your PJs!), no check-in (be sleepy or grumpy!), it’ll be 20-minutes of pure practice.

These sessions will demonstrate that practice does not need to be long or hard to feel miraculous. Over the course of the week, you'll get grounded in the ritual of practice, develop strength and trust in your center, and feel sustainably resourced for the holiday season. More details and registration coming next week.

May your practice provide deep-rooted support and tree-trunk-like inner strength,



Practicing Through the Holidays: How to Remain Centered


Online Yoga Classes in Post-COVID World