About the School

Kanda means ‘bulb’ or ‘root’. In Yoga lore, it is the root bulb from which the subtle body grows.

Like our name, Kanda School is for grounding and growing.

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In yoga lore, Kanda is the hub of Prana and the origin of the Nadis. Ancient yogis considered the Kanda a source of nourishment and a reservoir of power. Our modern School is designed to be a root-source, an epicenter of education, and a supportive home base for dedicated practitioners and curious students.

Originally, the School was an innovative brick-and-mortar enterprise. During the upheaval of 2020, Kanda went virtual. The transition made our community stronger and our vision bigger. In 2024, we evolved our online education platform into the 20 Minute Miracles App so practice can literally be in your back pocket.


Kanda School is a community based on curiosity and a love of learning. All programs encourage inner awareness, strengthen inner listening, and promote self-discovery.



Virtual classes and on-demand programs are convenient so you practice and study more consistently. Consistency creates a deepening and an opportunity for subtlety.


In the privacy of your own home, practice becomes more personal. You’re less influence by the people around you. You listen to and honor you own body.


Every live class begins with a check-in so Alison can personalize your experience. This also creates community connection. You get to know familiar faces and share experiences. This is real yoga for real people.


The Kanda community has a shared value of curiosity. We explore and experiment. We dance and play. We approach things with a spirit of discovery.


To be curious, especially in community, and to explore inner landscape is inherently vulnerable. At Kanda, we honor the rigor of the spiritual endeavor and develop courage through practice.


Tenacity + vulnerability = compassion. We are strong but we are soft. We are engaged yet spacious. We are becoming more compassionate towards ourselves for everyone around us.


The Vision for Kanda School 

We are an engaged online community. Exploring ancient teachings and modern science. We honor the layers of our aliveness to elevate our embodied experience. We aim to become beacons of curiosity, models of courage, and deep pools of compassion. Through practice we discover that we can be the change we wish to see.