The Vayus: Samana and Digestion
“The waves of the breath start the process of alignment, which is merely the intelligence waking up in the center of the body. Just keep listening, allowing the breath to unfold.”
- Richard Freeman
Hey Yogis,
We’re shifting from the grounding wind (Apana Vayu) into the circulating wind (Samana Vayu).
While Apana teaches you to settle into solid ground, create internal support, and relish release, Samana will ask you to evaluate your digestion. And not just of food, but everything you consume - from memes on social media, to the endless stream of marketing, to conversations with your mother. Everything.
Samana will ask: how’s that sitting? Are you able to digest it? Better yet: can you assimilate and make the most of it? Or is it stuck, gummed up? Maybe you want to throw it up?
But before we move on to Samana Vayu, make the most of the Apana teachings. There is a new class in your virtual library -Relief & Release. It’s the culmination of the last 6 weeks. Your great grounding pays off with release in your legs, lower back, and abdomen. (This includes blanket roll bliss in forward folds.)
Note: with the blanket roll, pay attention to the ribs. You need them tucked in, not spilling up and over, the blanket roll. This is vital for your lower back, SI joint, and psoas. But also Samana Vayu. You’ll draw the digestive power inward and keep the flames of Agni contained.
More on digestion next week. Until then, love up your legs, release your lower back, and get a sigh of release with the class in your virtual library:
May your practice stoke your digestive fire,