The Vayus: Imbalance has Excess and Deficiency

“Radiant health relies on optimal circulation through all bodily tissues.” 

― Tias Little

Helllllooooo Yogis,

How has balance gone this past week? Is your palate recalibrating from the cultural hot sauce? Remember, entering the subtle body requires sensitivity and delicacy, prioritizing balance and harmony.

When you practice with sensitivity and curiosity, a vast internal landscape opens up. You are invited to explore the internal winds, cruise on the currents of aliveness, the Vayus. They are 5 in number:

  • Apana Vayu

  • Samana Vayu

  • Prana Vayu

  • Udana Vayu

  • Vyana Vayu

All the Vayus emerge from Prana Vayu. (As always, the one becomes the many.) Each wind has its own actions, corresponding organs, and qualities. In classes, we will calibrate each Vayu for optimal functioning.

Our physical practice begins with Apana Vayu. Apana has the power of releasing and the quality of grounding. Apana relates to

  • the feet, especially the heels

  • the legs, especially upper thighs and inner groins

  • the lower abdomen, especially the organs of elimination

At the beginning of classes, we’ve taken a poll of grounded-ness using a scale of 1-10. This has brought up rich distinctions and sharpened discernment.

For example: there is excess and deficiency to all imbalance. Too much of a good thing is just as problematic as too little. For example: too little vitamin D impairs immune function. Too much is poison. Too little grounding and you’re scattered. Too much and you’re lethargic.

The optimal state is always somewhere in the middle. As we discussed here, the middle, balance, harmony is harder than it sounds. For many reasons, including a cultural bias towards rajas - passion, intensity, and movement. Like junk food, rajas might taste delicious in the moment, but you pay for it, especially when you over-indulge and particularly in the long run.

So. Keep calibrating your palate for balance and sattva! Here’s some home-play for this week: notice how grounded you feel throughout the day. You can use this scale:

  • 10 = I am the eye of the hurricane. I am steady, securely rooted, and full of energy and vitality. Anything can come my way, life can swirl around me, and still I am centered.

  • 1 =

    • Excess: I am heavy, I feel like I can’t get up off the floor, I have no momentum, energy or vibrancy.

    • Deficient: I am scattered and all over the place. I can’t focus or center myself. My energy feels erratic or hyper.

Bonus points: explore what/who makes you feel grounded. Also notice what/who/when you feel uprooted or untethered.

Extra, extra credit: Getting grounded isn’t just for pose practitioners! Share with a friend or loved one and compare notes on how to get and give grounding.

May your practice provide solid ground for inner exploration,


The Vayus: The Releasing Energy of Apana


The Vayus: the Internal Winds of Your Subtle Body