Rites of Passage to Evolve Your Yoga Practice (pt 1)

“We are meant to cross many thresholds in our lifetime, each a further embodiment of the soul's innate character. Yet for many of us, the failure to complete the first crossing continues to affect our ability to fully show up in our lives. Many of us carry the uncomfortable thought that we are unsure of our place in the world, still anxious about our sense of value and our right to be here.”

— Francis Weller

Stuck. Plateau. Bored. Disenchanted. I hear these terms a lot from experienced practitioners. The practice that once felt soul-stirring and life-changing has become ho-hum. It's feeling rote and routine. Not how it used to be. Not how you want or need it to be...

There are reasons for this.

One is that modern yoga has not developed rites of passage for practitioners. How do you continue to grow, transform, and evolve your practice? What are the signs of progress? What does "advanced" practice mean? look like? do for you? I've been thinking a lot about the trajectory of modern yoga and the choices we've made (for more read: years ago we made a choice) and about the rites of passage and trials by fire required to keep going and growing.

Rites of passage are like mile markers, they provide a sense of progress, and a promise of renewal. They remind us that life is always in process. They provide context and support during transitions. Rites of passage create sacred space, clarify intentions, and help us make the most of change. These moments can be major events like birth and death. But rites of passage are also used for celebration, reflection, and initiation.

Traditionally, yoga has had many rites of passage for practitioners. Without these, you can feel lost. Like you've set out on a journey without a map or navigation system.

If you've found yourself wanting more clarity in the process of your practice, or more agency in your transformation, I invite you to apply for Inner Sanctuary. During this program, you learn a navigation system for transformation through yoga. You gain clear markers and measurements for growing. You go through rites of passage to evolve your practice into a healing art.

The Fall program will begin in late September. Once you’ve applied, you’ll have a call with me. We’ll talk about your practice, I’ll provide insight, and if we both think it’s a perfect fit, we’ll discuss the details of Inner Sanctuary.  Click here to Apply.

May your practice provide passage.


Rites of Passage to Evolve Your Yoga Practice (DEEP and FARR)


Trial by Fire