years ago we made a choice
“The times are urgent; let us slow down."
— Bayo Akomolafe
Years ago, we had a choice. To teach yoga as a discipline and spiritual practice. Or to make it more “come as you are, do what you can” like a gym exercise class. I think “come as you are, do what you can” felt like the right choice because people who love yoga - like you and me - want everyone to experience its magic.
Unfortunately, in the long run, this has stripped the practice of depth. The price of popularity has been diminishing education, spirituality, sustainability and accessibility.
Accessibility because “all levels classes” are really for the fit and able-bodied. Students are told to modify but rarely taught how to modify. Beginners, athletes, anyone with injuries or limitations are often left out of “all levels”.
Sustainability because yoga will demand that you understand your body (like the curves of your spine) and the intention behind practice (like aligned motives). Without movement training and right mindset yoga becomes risky aerobics.
Spirituality. I’m always quietly heartbroken when people think yoga is purely poses and a workout. The sorrow comes because I know the practice can be so much more. And spirituality doesn’t need to be woo-woo. I classify spirituality as a sense of connection to something bigger than you. Maybe that’s through chanting, a theme or dharma talk, or immersion into the ecology of your body.
Education. To learn and to educate, you must slow down. Be willing to go through awkward growth phases, try new things, re-write old patterns. That willingness will yield tremendous benefit: transformation.
At Kanda, we’re dedicated to ever-evolving education, honoring the spiritual roots of the practice, and making the postures more sustainable and accessible. We’ll do this weaving of ancient teachings and modern practice during the weekend workshop at Padma Studio in Fairfax. Expect to unpack sutras, build better bone, and get a deep sigh of release in body, mind, and psoas.
May your practice benefit your whole being.